Posts Tagged: lower

Will wolves move to Michigan’s Lower Peninsula?
May 4, 2019
“Given our finding that NLP landscape has adequate but more disconnected suitable habitat to support dispersing individuals and breeding packs, determining the effects of potentially increased mortality and energy expenditure while dispersing on recolonization potential is an important aspect requiring … read more
Posted in Great Lakes Wolves, News, Regional Wolves | Tagged lower, michigan, peninsula, wolves
Keep Wolves Protected in the Lower 48
February 22, 2013
“ACTION: Please call and write to your member of Congress to urge him or her to save wolves by signing onto Reps. DeFazio and Markey’s letter..” read more
Posted in Alaska Wolves, All News, Front Page News, Great Lakes Wolves, News, Northeast Wolves, Northern Rockies, Pacific West Wolves, Regional Wolves, Southeast-Red Wolves, Southern Rockies Wolves, Southwest Wolves, Take Action, WolfWatcher | Tagged lower, protected, wolves