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Posts Tagged: lupus

Sedentary But Not Dispersing Wolves Canis Lupus Recolonizing Western Poland (2001–2016) Conform to the Predictions of a Habitat Suitability Model

The HSM for Polish wolves predicted with high accuracy the areas later occupied by wolf groups in the western part of the country. A similar approach may also be useful to predict the future distribution of wolves in the lowlands … read more

Attempt to Cross-Foster Gray Wolf, Canis lupus, Pups into Another Wolf Pack

We attempted to cross-foster four 18-19 week-old Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) pups into another Wolf pack 182 km from their natal pack territory. The pup introduction was the result of depredation control on a farm in northwestern Wisconsin. Three pups … read more

Petition to Maintain Protections for Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in the Lower 48 States as Endangered or Threatened “Distinct Population Segments” Under the Endangered Species Act

Photo Credit: Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife Image of 72lb Female Minam Pack The Center for Biological Diversity and the Humane Society of the United States petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to maintain protection for gray wolves under the Endangered … read more

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