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Posts Tagged: minnesota

Minnesotans’ Attitudes Toward Wolves and Wolf Management

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the University of Minnesota through the Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit,  conducted a survey of Minnesota residents to support the 2020 update to the Minnesota Wolf Management Plan.

Berry Important? Wolf Provisions Pups with Berries in Northern Minnesota

Wolves (Canis lupus) primarily provision pups by catching mammalian prey and bringing remains of the carcass to the pups at a den or rendezvous site via their mouths or stomach. In August 2017, we observed an adult wolf regurgitating wild … read more

Trumpeter Swan Killed by Gray Wolf in Minnesota

Canis lupus (Gray Wolf) have been suspected as natural predators of Cygnus buccinator (Trumpeter Swan), but detailed descriptions of such predation events are lacking from the peer-reviewed literature. Herein, we document a Trumpeter Swan that was killed by a Gray … read more

Minnesota Moose Are Some Tough Critters But Research Is Showing That Complex Factors Are Combining To Make Their Survival More And More Precarious

Minnesota moose are some tough critters but research is showing that complex factors are combining to make their survival more and more precarious. Just how tough are moose? And how complex can the situation become for the largest member of … read more

Parasites Deer Carry Into Minnesota’s North Woods Have Emerged As The Leading Cause Of Death For Moose, State And Tribal Biologists Have Concluded

After spending millions of dollars and tracking hundreds of moose with GPS collars, scientists have pinpointed the primary culprit behind the animal’s ever-shrinking numbers in Minnesota. It’s the deer. Parasites they carry into Minnesota’s North Woods have emerged as the … read more

Grant money now available to Minnesota livestock owners for prevention of wolf attacks

Applications due November 24, 2017 Minnesota livestock producers can now apply for grant money to help prevent wolf attacks. The Wolf-Livestock Conflict Prevention Grants were funded by the Minnesota Legislature earlier this year. There is $120,000 available to producers this fiscal … read more

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