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Posts Tagged: montana

Montana Wolf Hunt Extension: Your Comments Needed!

“Montana Wolves in the Bitterroot Need your Help! See What you can Do!” read more

"Appeal to Supporters: Emergency Montana Wolf Action Alert"

“The National Wolfwatcher Coalition believes that extending a wolf hunt into April will be a devastating blow to the wolf population in Montana because it means the hunt will extend into the breeding season, thus affecting pregnant wolves and pups. We assert that this proposal is scientifically unsound and unwarranted.” read more

Montana Governor says Wolf Deal Dead

Schweitzer said the breakdown in talks between the three states and the Obama administration makes it unlikely Congress will address the issue this year. read more

Two Wolves Shot in Northwest Montana; Reward Offered

On Nov. 6, 2010, two wild gray wolves were found dead in separate locations on the Flathead National Forest in northwestern Montana. read more

Pack of Wolves reported in Northwest Montana

They felt threatened and say they shot at the wolves and then they left the site, according to FWP’s John Fraley. read more

Federal Officials deny Montana Wolf Hunt Request

“I can’t see any circumstance now other than an expedited settlement with the plaintiffs that would allow for a hunt,” said David Risley with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. read more

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