Posts Tagged: mtfwp
MTFWP Comment Period on Wolves. Act Now!
July 26, 2013
“…we are absolutely OPPOSED to the final measure which calls for a reduction in wolf populations.” read more
Posted in WolfWatcher | Tagged comment, mtfwp, period, wolves
Yellowstone: Support MTFWP’s Decision to Close Subunits.
January 10, 2013
The Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission was right to enact modest restrictions on wolf hunting and trapping near Yellowstone National Park. read more
Posted in All News, Front Page News, News, Northern Rockies, Regional Wolves, Take Action, WolfWatcher | Tagged close, decision, mtfwp, subunits, support, yellowstone

Take Action: Oppose MTFWP's Plan to use Wildlife Services!
August 24, 2012
Based on its proposal, it seems that Montana wants “state management” of wolves, but it refuses to assume the cost for its own state depredation investigations – leaving that to federal taxpayers! read more
Posted in All News, Front Page News, News, Northern Rockies, Regional Wolves, Take Action, WolfWatcher | Tagged action, mtfwp, oppose, services, wildlife