Posts Tagged: neighbors
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Implementation Of Electric Fencing For Establishing Effective Livestock-protection Dogs
July 3, 2019
To be effective, livestock protection dogs (LPDs) must be carefully integrated with the livestock they will be protecting. Others have developed guidelines to assist producers in this training and assimilation process. In many areas fencing is necessary; however, guidelines for … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged effective, electric, establishing, fences, fencing, implementation, neighbors
Killing Wolves To Prevent Predation On Livestock May Protect One Farm But Harm Neighbors
June 20, 2019
Large carnivores, such as gray wolves, Canis lupus, are difficult to protect in mixed-use landscapes because some people perceive them as dangerous and because they sometimes threaten human property and safety. Governments may respond by killing carnivores in an effort … read more
Posted in Conflicts | Tagged killing, livestock, neighbors, predation, prevent, protect, wolves