Posts Tagged: northern

Yellowstone Science – The Challenge of Understanding Northern Yellowstone Elk Dynamics after Wolf Reintroduction
July 4, 2019
The status and trend of the northern Yellowstone elk herd has been an enduring conservation issue throughout the history of Yellowstone National Park. It is the largest of about seven migratory elk herds that graze the park’s high-elevation meadows during … read more
Posted in General | Tagged challenge, dynamics, northern, science, understanding, yellowstone

Density-Dependent Intraspecific Aggression Regulates Survival In Northern Yellowstone Wolves (Canis Lupus)
July 4, 2019
Understanding the population dynamics of top-predators is essential to assess their impact on ecosystems and to guide their management. Key to this understanding is identifying the mechanisms regulating vital rates. Determining the influence of density on survival is necessary to … read more
Posted in General | Tagged aggression, density, dependent, intraspecific, northern, regulates, survival

Hunters as Stewards of Wolves in Wisconsin and the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA
July 2, 2019
Regulated hunting may help conserve wildlife. Advocates argue hunters will champion conservation and generate revenue for management, regulation will promote sustained, stable wildlife populations, and conflicts with game species will diminish. Applying this notion to predators such as the wolf … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves | Tagged hunters, mountains, northern, rocky, stewards, wisconsin, wolves

Northern Coyote/Coywolf Taxonomy and Admixture: A Meta-Analysis
June 28, 2019
A flurry of recent papers have attempted to taxonomically characterise eastern canids, mainly grey wolves Canis lupus, eastern wolves Canis lycaon or Canis lupus lycaon and northeastern coyotes or coywolves Canis latrans, Canis latrans var. or Canis latrans x C. … read more
Posted in Coywolf / Hybrids | Tagged admixture, analysis, coyote, coywolf, northern, taxonomy
Northern Rockies Wolves under Fire!
December 7, 2012
“Will Wyoming and all the states in the Northern Rockies wake up when suddenly the money dries up?” read more
Posted in All News, Front Page News, News, Northern Rockies, Regional Wolves, Take Action, WolfWatcher | Tagged northern, rockies, under, wolves

Wolves of the Northern Rockies: The Real Truth!
March 10, 2012
“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s mission is working with others, to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” How does this apply to the bloodbath we are seeing now? read more
Posted in All News, Front Page News, News, Northern Rockies, Regional Wolves, WolfWatcher | Tagged northern, rockies, truth, wolves