Posts Tagged: parasites
Parasites Deer Carry Into Minnesota’s North Woods Have Emerged As The Leading Cause Of Death For Moose, State And Tribal Biologists Have Concluded
July 5, 2019
After spending millions of dollars and tracking hundreds of moose with GPS collars, scientists have pinpointed the primary culprit behind the animal’s ever-shrinking numbers in Minnesota. It’s the deer. Parasites they carry into Minnesota’s North Woods have emerged as the … read more
Posted in Moose | Tagged carry, emerged, leading, minnesota, north, parasites, woods
Researchers Study Wolf Parasites
June 30, 2019
Since the year 2000, the Eurasian grey wolf, Canis lupus lupus, has spread across Germany. Ines Lesniak, doctoral student at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), and her colleagues, have taken a closer look at the parasites … read more
Posted in CWD & Other Diseases | Tagged parasites, researchers, study