Posts Tagged: poaching
Evaluating how management policies affect red wolf mortality and disappearance
April 2, 2024
Poaching is the major cause of death for large carnivores in several regions, contributing to their global endangerment. The traditional hypothesis used in wildlife management (killing for tolerance) suggests reducing protections for a species will decrease poaching. However, recent studies … read more
Posted in Regional Wolves, Southeast-Red Wolves | Tagged Canis rufus, endangered species, large carnivore, poaching, policy signal, survival analysis
Evaluating how management policies affect red wolf mortality and disappearance
May 31, 2022
Poaching is the major cause of death for large carnivores in several regions, contributing to their global endangerment. The traditional hypothesis used in wildlife management (killing for tolerance) suggests reducing protections for a species will decrease poaching. However, recent studies … read more
Posted in News, Regional Wolves, Southeast-Red Wolves | Tagged Canis rufus, endangered species, large carnivore, poaching, policy signal, survival analysis
Gray wolf mortality patterns in Wisconsin from 1979 to 2012
May 5, 2022
Starting in the 1970s, many populations of large-bodied mammalian carnivores began to recover from centuries of human-caused eradication and habitat destruction. The recovery of several such populations has since slowed or reversed due to mortality caused by humans. Illegal killing … read more
Posted in Biology, Resources | Tagged Anthropogenic mortality, carnivore, conflict, illegal killing, poaching, sampling bias, take
Quantifying the effects of delisting wolves after the first state began lethal management
July 31, 2021
Predators and their protection are controversial worldwide. Gray wolves, Canis lupus, lost U.S. federal protection (delisting) and the State of Wisconsin began lethal management first among all states and tribes that regained authority over wolves. Here we evaluated the initial … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves | Tagged Anthropogenic mortality, Canis lupus, Human-caused mortality, hunting, Illegal take, poaching, policy, Regulated an dunregulated off-take, U.S. endangered species act, Wisconsin gray wolf
Liberalizing the killing of endangered wolves was associated with more disappearances of collared individuals in Wisconsin
September 1, 2020
Although poaching (illegal killing) is an important cause of death for large carnivores globally, the effect of lethal management policies on poaching is unknown for many populations. Two opposing hypotheses have been proposed: liberalizing killing may decrease poaching incidence (‘tolerance … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves, Resources | Tagged Collared, Death, endangered, hunting, poaching, wisconsin, Wolf, wolves
Shoot, Shovel and Shut Up: Cryptic Poaching Slows Restoration of a Large Carnivore in Europe
June 30, 2019
Poaching is a widespread and well-appreciated problem for the conservation of many threatened species. Because poaching is illegal, there is strong incentive for poachers to conceal their activities, and consequently, little data on the effects of poaching on population dynamics … read more
Posted in Human Dimensions | Tagged cryptic, large, poaching, restoration, shoot, shovel, slows