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Posts Tagged: predation

Video observations of wolves hunting ungulates on linear features

Anthropogenic linear features allow wolves to travel faster and more efficiently, which is thought to increase wolf hunting efficiency of ungulates. Most previous studies have evaluated the role of linear features in wolf-ungulate dynamics by relying on indirect observations (e.g., … read more

Isle Royale Wolf Project Researchers Document Summer Predation

Between May and October, field crews visited 381 sites, determined wolf behavior associated with site use, and located the remains of 60 prey, including primarily moose, beavers, and snowshoe hares. Read Full Document (PDF)

Response of Moose Hunters to Predation following Wolf Return in Sweden

Background: Predation and hunter harvest constitute the main mortality factors affecting the size and dynamics of many exploited populations. The re-colonization by wolves (Canis lupus) of the Scandinavian Peninsula may therefore substantially reduce hunter harvest of moose (Alces alces), the … read more

Weak Spatiotemporal Response of Prey to Predation Risk in a Freely Interacting System

The extent to which prey space use actively minimizes predation risk continues to ignite controversy. Methodological reasons that have hindered consensus include inconsistent measurements of predation risk, biased spatiotemporal scales at which responses are measured and lack of robust null … read more

Predation Shapes the Evolutionary Traits of Cervid Weapons

Sexually selected weapons evolved to maximize the individual reproductive success of males in many polygynous breeding species. Many weapons are also retained outside of reproductive periods for secondary reasons, but the importance of these secondary functions is poorly understood. Here … read more

Deer Survival Is Influenced By Many Factors Including Disease, Predation, Weather, And Hunter Harvest.

In the Upper Peninsula (UP), deer survival is especially influenced by winter food supply and cover. Research is needed to better understand the impact of predation on deer, while also determining how predation is influenced by winter weather and deer … read more

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