Posts Tagged: predator–prey interactions
Eat or be eaten: Implications of potential exploitative competition between wolves and humans across predator-savvy and predator-naive deer populations
December 23, 2023
Recolonization of predators to their former ranges is becoming increasingly prevalent. Such recolonization places predators among their prey once again; the latter having lived without predation (from such predators) for a considerable time. This renewed coexistence creates opportunities to explore … read more
Posted in Deer, Predator/Prey Relationships, Resources | Tagged behavioral manipulation, Human–wildlife conflict, olfactory cues, optimal foraging, predator recolonization, predator reintroduction, predator–prey interactions
Recovery of a marine keystone predator transforms terrestrial predator–prey dynamics
February 27, 2023
Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) and wolves (Canis lupus) are two apex predators with strong and cascading effects on ecosystem structure and function. After decades of recovery from near extirpation, their ranges now overlap, allowing sea otters and wolves to interact … read more
Posted in Predator/Prey Relationships, Resources | Tagged apparent competition, food webs, marine subsidies, predator–prey interactions