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Posts Tagged: predator

Genetics and wolf conservation in the American West: lessons and challenges

Top predators are endangered throughout the world because of human persecution and habitat destruction. Plans to conserve and restore predator populations are often contentious, but few species are as problematic as the gray wolf (Canis lupus). In the United States, … read more

Predator Control Needs a Standard of Unbiased Randomized Experiments With Cross-Over Design

Despite over 20 years of searching for answers about predator control, the policy intervention of killing predators that threaten domestic animals has not been subjected to unbiased randomized experimental tests of effectiveness.   Rapid, global changes, such as extinction and … read more

How Long Do Anti-Predator Interventions Remain Effective? Patterns, Thresholds and Uncertainty

Human–predator conflicts are globally widespread, and effective interventions are essential to protect human assets from predator attacks. As effectiveness also has a temporal dimension, it is of importance to know how long interventions remain most effective and to determine time … read more

Cascading effects of predator activity on tick-borne disease risk

Predators and competitors of vertebrates can in theory reduce the density of infected nymphs (DIN)—an often-used measure of tick-borne disease risk by lowering the density of reservoir-competent hosts and/or the tick burden on reservoir-competent hosts. We investigated this possible indirect … read more

A Mammalian Predator–Prey Imbalance: Grizzly Bear and Wolf Extinction Affect Avian Neotropical Migrants

Because most large, terrestrial mammalian predators have already been lost from more than 95–99% of the contiguous United States and Mexico, many ecological communities are either missing dominant selective forces or have new ones dependent upon humans. Such large-scale manipulations … read more

The Forgotten Prey Of An Iconic Predator: A Review Of Interactions Between Grey Wolves Canis Lupus And Beavers Castor spp.

Predator–prey relationships can have wide-ranging ecological and landscapelevel effects. Knowledge of these relationships is therefore crucial to understanding how these systems function and how changes in predator–prey communities affect these systems. Grey wolves Canis lupus can be significant predators of … read more

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