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Posts Tagged: restoration

Reciprocity in Restoration Ecology: When Might Large Carnivore Reintroduction Restore Ecosystems?

Carnivore reintroduction is often expected to revert community and ecosystem properties to their natural states via risk effects and the direct killing of prey. Because large carnivore extirpation and reintroduction are usually believed to have symmetric and offsetting effects, fulfilling … read more

Shoot, Shovel and Shut Up: Cryptic Poaching Slows Restoration of a Large Carnivore in Europe

Poaching is a widespread and well-appreciated problem for the conservation of many threatened species. Because poaching is illegal, there is strong incentive for poachers to conceal their activities, and consequently, little data on the effects of poaching on population dynamics … read more

Restoration of the Iconic Pando Aspen Clone: Emerging Evidence of Recovery

Pando, the world’s largest living organism — and possibly its oldest — is being destroyed by the voracious appetite of mule deer.  According to the authors, “Humans have eliminated predators,” Without wolves prowling the area, deer populations not only explode, but … read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition