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Posts Tagged: rockies

Northern Rockies Wolves under Fire!

“Will Wyoming and all the states in the Northern Rockies wake up when suddenly the money dries up?” read more

Wolves of the Northern Rockies: The Real Truth!

“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s mission is working with others, to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.” How does this apply to the bloodbath we are seeing now? read more

Why Boycotting the Northern Rockies is a Bad Idea for Conservationists, and for Wolves.

“Thanks to everyone for your tireless efforts, and what you do day in and day out for wolves!” read more

Alliance for the Wild Rockies Researching the Wolf Delisting

“We are consulting with our attorneys about challenging the rider on constitutional grounds…” read more

Wolves crossing the Canadian border into the northern Rockies

…It’s a question that could — depending on the answer — lead to more stringent protections for wolf packs in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, or more hunting of the iconic canines. read more

Resolution to Rockies Wolf Management Issues soon?

”The lawsuit we won gives us some leverage,” he said. “I think over the next few months we will see a resolution.” (Mike Clarke) read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition