Posts Tagged: Space use
Interference competition between wolves and coyotes during variable prey abundance
July 31, 2021
Interference competition occurs when two species have similar resource requirements and one species is dominant and can suppress or exclude the subordinate species. Wolves (Canis lupus) and coyotes (C. latrans) are sympatric across much of their range in North America … read more
Posted in Biology | Tagged activity, coyote, Diet, interference competition, Space use, Wolf
Hunting dogs are at biggest risk to get attacked by wolves near wolves’ territory boundaries
October 27, 2020
Wolves’ attacks on hunting dogs are a major conflict between wolves and hunters in Northern Europe. The reasons affecting the risk of wolves’ (Canis lupus) attacks on hunting dogs are poorly known. We examined whether the number of wolves in … read more
Posted in Conflicts | Tagged attacks, Canid guild, Canis lupus, Dogs, Risk, Space use, Territory