Posts Tagged: strategies

Age-specific Foraging Strategies Among Pumas, And Its Implications For Aiding Ungulate Populations Through Carnivore Control
July 4, 2019
Humans have been controlling carnivore numbers for centuries. Predator hunting, however, may indirectly influence predator-prey dynamics unintentionally by influencing the age- and sex-structure of predator populations that exhibit intraspecific (IS) variation in prey selection. We tested for IS in a … read more
Posted in General | Tagged aiding, among, foraging, implications, pumas, specific, strategies

Adaptive use of Nonlethal Strategies for Minimizing Wolf–Sheep Conflict in Idaho
July 3, 2019
Worldwide, native predators are killed to protect livestock, an action that can undermine wildlife conservation efforts and create conflicts among stakeholders. An ongoing example is occurring in the western United States, where wolves (Canis lupus) were eradicated by the 1930s … read more
Posted in Non-Lethal Management Tools | Tagged adaptive, conflict, idaho, minimizing, nonlethal, sheep, strategies