Posts Tagged: structure

Effects of Social Structure and Prey Dynamics on Extinction Risk in Gray Wolves
July 4, 2019
Extinction models based on diffusion theory generally fail to incorporate two important aspects of population biology—social structure and prey dynamics. We include these aspects in an individual‐based extinction model for small, isolated populations of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). Our … read more
Posted in General | Tagged dynamics, effects, extinction, social, structure, wolves

Impacts of Breeder Loss on Social Structure, Reproduction, and Population Growth in a Social Canid
July 3, 2019
The importance of individuals to the dynamics of populations may depend on reproductive status, especially for species with complex social structure. Loss of reproductive individuals in socially complex species could disproportionately affect population dynamics by destabilizing social structure and reducing … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves | Tagged breeder, growth, impacts, population, reproduction, social, structure

Protection From Harvesting Restores the Natural Social Structure of Eastern Wolf Packs
July 2, 2019
Legal and illegal killing of animals near park borders can significantly increase the threat of extirpation for populations living within ecological reserves, especially for wide-ranging large carnivores that regularly travel into unprotected areas. While the consequences of human-caused mortality near … read more
Posted in Hunting Wolves | Tagged eastern, harvesting, natural, protection, restores, social, structure