National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: support

Two Decades Of Non-invasive Genetic Monitoring Of The Grey Wolves Recolonizing The Alps Support Very Limited Dog Introgression

Potential hybridization between wolves and dogs has fueled the sensitive conservation and political debate underlying the recovery of the grey wolf throughout Europe. Here we provide the first genetic analysis of wolf-dog admixture in an area entirely recolonized, the northwestern … read more

Most Americans support Endangered Species Act despite increasing efforts to curtail it

Political and business interests don’t appear to align with public’s view, study finds. read more

Yellowstone: Support MTFWP’s Decision to Close Subunits.

The Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission was right to enact modest restrictions on wolf hunting and trapping near Yellowstone National Park. read more

Wolfwatcher Urges You to Support H.R.3432: Rural Economic Vitalization Act (REVA)

“Please endorse H.R. 3432 – the Rural Environmental Vitalization Act because the bill opens up a new opportunity for stakeholders to come together and utilize an innovative, free-market tool to resolve natural resource conflicts…” read more

Support Montana's Wolves With Your Comment

“..the nature of calculating wolf populations in the region is not an exact science..” read more

Woodmere Middle School Students Support the ESA!

Woodmere Middle School’s Class 7A worked diligently on an ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH AND VIDEO PROJECT. read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition