Posts Tagged: survival
Caribou encounters with wolves increase near roads and trails: a time-to-event approach
October 27, 2020
Caribou and reindeer Rangifer tarandus are declining across North America and Scandinavia in part from wolf Canis lupus-mediated apparent competition with more abundant ungulate prey species. While caribou generally persist in areas with low wolf density, wolf packs that overlap … read more
Posted in Caribou, Predator/Prey Relationships | Tagged Banff National Park, Canis lupus, linear features, predation risk, Rangifer tarandus, recovery, resource selection, spatial separation, species at risk, survival
Density-Dependent Intraspecific Aggression Regulates Survival In Northern Yellowstone Wolves (Canis Lupus)
July 4, 2019
Understanding the population dynamics of top-predators is essential to assess their impact on ecosystems and to guide their management. Key to this understanding is identifying the mechanisms regulating vital rates. Determining the influence of density on survival is necessary to … read more
Posted in General | Tagged aggression, density, dependent, intraspecific, northern, regulates, survival
Deer Survival Is Influenced By Many Factors Including Disease, Predation, Weather, And Hunter Harvest.
July 4, 2019
In the Upper Peninsula (UP), deer survival is especially influenced by winter food supply and cover. Research is needed to better understand the impact of predation on deer, while also determining how predation is influenced by winter weather and deer … read more
Posted in Deer | Tagged disease, factors, including, influenced, predation, survival, weather
Survival of Gray Wolf species can’t be left to Legislators
February 17, 2011
“The ESA was passed because Americans believed that protecting our wildlife was an obligation to future generations.” read more
Posted in All News, Front Page News, News, Regional Wolves, Southwest Wolves | Tagged legislators, species, survival