National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: values

Minnesotans’ Attitudes Toward Wolves and Wolf Management

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the University of Minnesota through the Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit,  conducted a survey of Minnesota residents to support the 2020 update to the Minnesota Wolf Management Plan.

America’s Wildlife Values – The Social Context of Wildlife Management

The purpose of the America’s Wildlife Values Project was to assess the social context of wildlife management in the U.S. to understand the growing conflict around wildlife management. It is the first study of its kind to describe how U.S. … read more

Values, Trust, And Cultural Backlash In Conservation Governance: The Case Of Wildlife Management In The United States

The global rise of populism is having a profound effect on policies across many issues. We explore the potential effects on wildlife conservation using the western United States as a case study. Global populist trends have been explained through the … read more

Societal Values Should Be Included in Endangered Species Decisions,..

The Fish and Wildlife Service didn’t use the data as required by law and they need to start doing this, especially when a species is so clearly subject to human-caused threats,”… read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition