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Posts Tagged: wisconsin

Changing the Tolerance of the Intolerant: Does Large Carnivore Policy Matter?

How people feel about large carnivores can be critical in determining the success of conservation efforts. In some cases, people’s attitudes towards large carnivores are more influenced by policies dictating how people can interact with those species rather than the … read more

Liberalizing the killing of endangered wolves was associated with more disappearances of collared individuals in Wisconsin

Although poaching (illegal killing) is an important cause of death for large carnivores globally, the effect of lethal management policies on poaching is unknown for many populations. Two opposing hypotheses have been proposed: liberalizing killing may decrease poaching incidence (‘tolerance … read more

Attitudes to Wolves and Wolf Policy Among Ojibwe Tribal Members and Non-tribal Residents of Wisconsin’s Wolf Range

Gray wolf (Canis lupus) policy is dynamic and involves multiple stakeholders. Attitudinal surveys have historically measured stakeholder attitudes, although Native American views have rarely been studied systematically. We sent a mail-back questionnaire to members of the Bad River Band of … read more

Recolonizing Wolves Trigger a Trophic Cascade in Wisconsin

We tested the hypothesis that wolves are reducing local browse intensity by white-tailed deer, thus indirectly mitigating the biotic impoverishment of understorey plant communities in northern Wisconsin. To assess the potential for such a top-down trophic cascade response, we developed … read more

Hunters as Stewards of Wolves in Wisconsin and the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA

Regulated hunting may help conserve wildlife. Advocates argue hunters will champion conservation and generate revenue for management, regulation will promote sustained, stable wildlife populations, and conflicts with game species will diminish. Applying this notion to predators such as the wolf … read more

Gray Wolf Exposure to Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases in Wisconsin with Comparison to Domestic Dogs and Humans

World-wide concern over emerging vector-borne diseases has increased in recent years for both animal and human health. In the United Sates, concern about vector-borne diseases in canines has focused on Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and heartworm which infect domestic and … read more

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