National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: Wolf

Changing the Tolerance of the Intolerant: Does Large Carnivore Policy Matter?

How people feel about large carnivores can be critical in determining the success of conservation efforts. In some cases, people’s attitudes towards large carnivores are more influenced by policies dictating how people can interact with those species rather than the … read more

The gray wolf as a symbol or a subject of science

Wolves have always slipped easily into the part of the human brain that processes symbols and metaphors. In the Inferno from his Divine Comedy, Dante (~1265–1321) used wolves to represent greed and fraud. In the Middle Ages Europeans called famine, … read more

Rapid changes in public perception toward a conservation initiative

Rapid, widespread changes in public perceptions and behaviors have the potential to influence conservation outcomes. However, few studies have documented whether and how such shifts occur throughout the span of a conservation initiative. We examined the 2020 ballot initiative to … read more

Genetics and wolf conservation in the American West: lessons and challenges

Top predators are endangered throughout the world because of human persecution and habitat destruction. Plans to conserve and restore predator populations are often contentious, but few species are as problematic as the gray wolf (Canis lupus). In the United States, … read more

Interference competition between wolves and coyotes during variable prey abundance

Interference competition occurs when two species have similar resource requirements and one species is dominant and can suppress or exclude the subordinate species. Wolves (Canis lupus) and coyotes (C. latrans) are sympatric across much of their range in North America … read more

2021 National Wolfwatcher Wolf Education Grants

Photo credit: Voyageurs Wolf Project Recipient of 2020 Mini- Grant Applications Due Friday, September 3, 2021 Will be awarded during Wolf Awareness Week (10/17-10/23) Grant FAQs WHO? Educators, public or private, or non-profit organizations whose mission includes wolf education and/or … read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition