Take Action » Help lobos and other wildlife by watching and speaking at the Arizona Game & Fish Commission Meetings!
Help lobos and other wildlife by watching and speaking at the Arizona Game & Fish Commission Meetings!
April 1, 2021
Arizona Game & Fish Department Information- azgfd.gov
Office Locations
- Main Office – Phoenix | Arizona Game and Fish Department | 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086-5000 | 602-942-3000
- Region I – Pinetop | 2878 E. White Mountain Blvd. | Pinetop, AZ 85935 | 928-367-4281
- Region II – Flagstaff | 3500 S. Lake Mary Rd. | Flagstaff, AZ 86001 | 928-774-5045
- Region III – Kingman | 5325 N. Stockton Hill Rd. | Kingman, AZ 86409 | 928-692-7700
- Region IV – Yuma | 9140 E. 28th St. | Yuma, AZ 85365 | 928-342-0091
- Region V – Tucson | 555 N. Greasewood Rd. | Tucson, AZ 85745 | 520-628-5376
- Region VI – Mesa | 7200 E. University | Mesa, AZ 85207 | 480-981-9400
The Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Governor pursuant to ARS 38-211. The Commission appoints the Director of the Arizona Game and Fish Department, and the Director serves as secretary to the Commission. No more than one commissioner may be from any one county. No more than three may be from the same political party. Each commissioner serves a five-year term, staggered. Commissioners customarily serve as chairman during their last year.
CURRENT COMMISSION MEMBERS - azgfd.com/agency/commission/members
- Marsha Petrie Sue – Scottsdale
- Leland S. “Bill” Brake – Elgin
- James E. Goughnour – Payson
- Todd G. Geiler – Prescott
- Clay Hernandez – Tucson
2022 Commission Meeting Dates
- Jan. 21-22 (Selected June 2020) – Phoenix
For meeting dates and agendas go to azgfd.com/agency/commission/meetingagenda. Check the meeting agendas the week before each scheduled meeting and again 24 hours in advance for any revisions.
Members of the public may view the meeting from any Department Regional Office and the Department’s Headquarters via video teleconference. Members of the public attending in person wanting to speak on a specific agenda item may submit Speaker Cards (Blue Cards) if they wish to speak to the Commission.
Members of the public viewing via video teleconference wanting to speak to the commission on specific agenda items can call 602-962-8790 and follow the prompts to say your name, where you are calling from, and the agenda item you wish to speak about. THE ABILITY OF THE PUBLIC TO ATTEND THE MEETING IN PERSON IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE EVENT COVID-RELATED RESTRICTIONS ON PUBLIC EVENTS ARE MODIFIED PRIOR TO THE MEETING. IF THIS OCCURS, OTHER OPTIONS WILL REMAIN FOR THE PUBLIC TO LISTEN, WATCH AND COMMENT VIA ELECTRONIC MEANS.
Link to the Commission Camera for live viewing the meetings online: azgfd.com/agency/commission/commission-cam. You must call the number by phone above if you wish to speak on an agenda item.
Document: AZGF-Commission-Mtg-Info-2021_final.pdf 
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