Resources » Predator/Prey Relationships » Moose » Links Between Osteoarthritis, Periodontital Disease And Osteoporosis In A Wild Mammal Population
Links Between Osteoarthritis, Periodontital Disease And Osteoporosis In A Wild Mammal Population
November 6, 2024
The purpose of this study was to document the prevalence and severity of osteoarthritis and how it varied with age and among sexes in a wild population of moose. We also assessed whether the prevalence and severity of osteoarthritis was greater for moose with periodontal disease and whether the prevalence or severity of osteoarthritis was negatively associated with osteoporosis. The value of assessing links between these diseases in a wild mammal population is that the prevalence of these diseases is not confounded by complicating risk factors such as obesity, smoking status, alcohol consumption and socioeconomic status.
Document: Hoy-et-al.-Links.pdf
Author(s): S.R. Hoy, J.A. Vucetich, L.M. Vucetich, M. Hindelang, J. Huebner, V.B. Kraus
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