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News ≀ Regional Wolves

Response of Moose Hunters to Predation following Wolf Return in Sweden

Background Predation and hunter harvest constitute the main mortality factors affecting the size and dynamics of many exploited populations. The re-colonization by wolves (Canis lupus) of the Scandinavian Peninsula may therefore substantially reduce hunter harvest of moose (Alces alces), the … read more

Summer diets of wolves (Canis lupus, Linnaeus1758) in the Trans-Himalaya of Humla, Nepal

The wolves are top but data deficient predator of the Trans-Himalaya region. Diet information is important for understanding a predator’s ecology, potential competition with other carnivores, impact on prey populations, and initiating any conservation measures. We examined the characteristics of … read more

2020-2021 Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem Wolf Pack and Population Size Report

Winter 2020-2021 was the most successful winter monitoring effort to date in the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem (GVE) in terms of the number of packs studied and the number of independent observations of each pack (Fig. 1). In total, we estimated … read more

Natural re-colonization and admixture of wolves (Canis lupus) in the US Pacific Northwest: challenges for the protection and management of rare and endangered taxa

Admixture resulting from natural dispersal processes can potentially generate novel phenotypic variation that may facilitate persistence in changing environments or result in the loss of population-specific adaptations. Yet, under the US Endangered Species Act, policy is limited for management of … read more

The February 2021 Wisconsin Wolf Hunt: A Preliminary Assessment

Wisconsin held a February wolf hunt. It wasn’t a hunt, it was a slaughter. The Wisconsin DNR hid behind the shield of the lawsuit and the agency continues to hide behind Act 169 which mandates a wolf hunting/trapping season, including … read more

Wildlife Comeback in Europe

The study found that the numbers of carnivores have either remained steady or greatly increased in European countries. In some cases the animals have recovered robust populations that were extinct at some point between 1950 and 1970. With biodiversity … read more

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