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Resources ≀ Conflicts

Bear-Baiting May Exacerbate Wolf-Hunting Dog Conflict

Background: The influence of policy on the incidence of human-wildlife conflict can be complex and not entirely anticipated. Policies for managing bear hunter success and depredation on hunting dogs by wolves represent an important case because with increasing wolves, depredations … read more

Risk Map For Wolf Threats To Livestock Still Predictive 5 Years After Construction

Risk maps are spatial models of environmental hazards such as predation on livestock. We tested the long-term validity of a published risk map built from locations where Wisconsin wolves attacked livestock from 1999–2006. Using data collected after model construction, we … read more

Government Data Confirm That Wolves Have A Negligible Effect On U.S. Cattle & Sheep Industries – Hsus Wolf-livestock Report

In the United States, data show that wolves (Canis lupus, Canis lupus baileiy and Canis rufus) kill few cattle and sheep. Livestock predation data collected by various governmental bodies differ significantly, however. The most recent data published by the U.S. … read more

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