Resources » Trophic Cascade
Resources ≀ Trophic Cascade

Is Science in Danger of Sanctifying the Wolf?
July 5, 2019
Historically the wolf (Canis lupus) was hated and extirpated from most of the contiguous United States. The federal Endangered Species Act fostered wolf protection and reintroduction which improved the species’ image. Wolf populations reached biological recovery in the Northern Rocky … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged danger, sanctifying, science

Wolves, Deer, Maples and Wildflowers
July 5, 2019
Herbivores can be major drivers of environmental change, altering plant community structure and changing biodiversity through the amount and species of plants consumed. If natural predators can reduce herbivore numbers and/or alter herbivore foraging behavior, then predators may reduce herbivory … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged maples, wildflowers, wolves

Adult Does Avoid Core Areas That Wolves Use
July 5, 2019
Growth of ungulate populations is typically most sensitive to survival of neonates, which in turn is influenced by maternal nutritional condition and trade-offs in resource selection and avoidance of predators. We assessed whether resource use, multi-predator risk, maternal nutritional effects, … read more
Posted in Trophic Cascade | Tagged adult, areas, avoid, wolves