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Resources ≀ Trophic Cascade

A Mammalian Predator–Prey Imbalance: Grizzly Bear and Wolf Extinction Affect Avian Neotropical Migrants

Because most large, terrestrial mammalian predators have already been lost from more than 95–99% of the contiguous United States and Mexico, many ecological communities are either missing dominant selective forces or have new ones dependent upon humans. Such large-scale manipulations … read more

Carnivore Repatriation And Holarctic Prey: Narrowing The Deficit In Ecological Effectiveness

The continuing global decline of large carnivores has catalyzed great interest in reintroduction to restore populations and to reestablish ecologically functional relationships. I used variation in the distribution of four Holarctic prey species and their behavior as proxies to investigate … read more

Aspen is Making a Comeback in and Around Yellowstone National Park, Because of Predators

Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) recruitment during the 1980s–90s was suppressed by Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus canadensis) herbivory on winter ranges in the Yellowstone region, and saplings (young aspen taller than 2 m) were rare. Following the 1995–96 reintroduction of gray … read more

Can Predators Have a Big Impact on Carbon Emissions Calculations?

Models suggest that predators and even biodiversity in general play a potentially significant role in carbon sequestration. But whether such results buttress conservation arguments remains a matter of debate.

Rewilding the World’s Large Carnivores

Earth’s terrestrial large carnivores form a highly endangered group of species with unique conservation challenges. The majority of these species have experienced major geographical range contractions, which puts many of them at high risk of extinction or of becoming ecologically … read more

Deer Change the Landscape Indirectly

Deer alter many facets of the understorey environment, such as light availability, soil compaction and depth of the soil E horizon, which, in turn, appear to mediate variation in plant communities. Those environmental modifications likely compound direct impacts of herbivory … read more

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