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Resources ≀ Human Dimensions

Keep The Wolf From The Door: How To Conserve Wolves In Europe’s Human Dominated Landscapes?

The recolonization of wolves in European human-dominated landscapes poses a conservation challenge to protect this species and manage conflicts. The question of how humans can co-exist with large carnivores often triggers strong emotions. Here we provide an objective, science-based discussion … read more

Maintaining and Enhancing Connectivity to Address Climate Change Impacts on Wildlife

Little doubt remains among scientists that humans are changing the global climate system, and that these changes will have far reaching and fundamental impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity (Solomon et al. 2007). Even if atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations were stabilized … read more

Governments in North America and Europe Systematically Over-Inflate Native Carnivore Numbers for Political Purposes

Society expects governments to implement evidencebased policy to preserve wildlife for future generations, a responsibility often codified in law (Treves et al. 2017b). The difficulties of crafting sound policy, however, are pronounced for large terrestrial carnivores. Systems in which humans … read more

Values, Trust, And Cultural Backlash In Conservation Governance: The Case Of Wildlife Management In The United States

The global rise of populism is having a profound effect on policies across many issues. We explore the potential effects on wildlife conservation using the western United States as a case study. Global populist trends have been explained through the … read more

Extinguishing a Learned Response in a Free-ranging Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

A free-ranging Gray Wolf (Canis lupus), habituated to human presence (the author) on Ellesmere Island, Canada, learned to anticipate experimental feeding by a human, became impatient, persistent, and bold and exhibited stalking behaviour toward the food source. Only after the … read more

2016 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation National Overview Issued August 2017

The National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation reports results from interviews with U.S. residents about their fishing, hunting, and wildlife watching. This report focuses on 2016 participation and expenditures of persons 16 years and older. However, in addition … read more

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