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Resources » Human Dimensions

Resources ≀ Human Dimensions

Minnesotans’ Attitudes Toward Wolves and Wolf Management

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the University of Minnesota through the Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit,  conducted a survey of Minnesota residents to support the 2020 update to the Minnesota Wolf Management Plan.

Myths and assumptions about human-wildlife conflict and coexistence

Recent extinctions often resulted from humans retaliating against wildlife that threatened people’s interests or were perceived to threaten current or future interests. Today’s subfield of human-wildlife conflict and coexistence (HWCC) grew out of an original anthropocentric concern with such real … read more

Social Media and Large Carnivores: Sharing Biased News on Attacks on Humans

The Internet and social media have profoundly changed the way the public receives and transmits news. The ability of the web to quickly disperse information both geographically and temporally allows social media to reach a much wider audience compared to … read more

America Must Protect the Wolf to Save Our Soul

In America today, a rabid lupophobia is haunting the backcountry. In May 2011 the Obama administration lifted endangered species protection for the grey wolf in the Great Lakes and northern Rockies. The parochial assassins of the innocent in medieval fashion … read more

America’s Wildlife Values – The Social Context of Wildlife Management

The purpose of the America’s Wildlife Values Project was to assess the social context of wildlife management in the U.S. to understand the growing conflict around wildlife management. It is the first study of its kind to describe how U.S. … read more

Keep The Wolf From The Door: How To Conserve Wolves In Europe’s Human Dominated Landscapes?

The recolonization of wolves in European human-dominated landscapes poses a conservation challenge to protect this species and manage conflicts. The question of how humans can co-exist with large carnivores often triggers strong emotions. Here we provide an objective, science-based discussion … read more

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