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Resources ≀ Predator/Prey Relationships ≀ General

The Effect of Prey and Predator Densities on Wolf Predation

Predator kills rate (i.e., kills per predator per time) is routinely presupposed to depend exclusively on prey density. However, per capita rates of killing may typically depend on the density of both prey and predator. Unfortunately, our perception of many … read more

Effects of Social Structure and Prey Dynamics on Extinction Risk in Gray Wolves

Extinction models based on diffusion theory generally fail to incorporate two important aspects of population biology—social structure and prey dynamics. We include these aspects in an individual‐based extinction model for small, isolated populations of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). Our … read more

The Predator-Prey Power Law: Biomass Scaling Across Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomes

A surprisingly general pattern at very large scales casts light on the link between ecosystem structure and function. We show a robust scaling law that emerges uniquely at the level of whole ecosystems and is conserved across terrestrial and aquatic … read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition