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Feds make new attempt at delisting Midwest wolves

The federal government is ready to try again to take wolves off the endangered species list in Minnesota, Wisconsin and… read more

Tribes, ranchers may suffer if Otter holds to threat of wolf management

…”the state will no longer participate as a designated agent for monitoring, providing law enforcement support or investigating wolf deaths in Idaho,” Otter said … read more

Jerry Black threatens to sue FWP over wolf-ruling coalition

Jerry Black, a retired airline pilot and activist from Missoula, sent a letter this week to Maurier requesting that FWP “disband the coalition and cease any further collaboration.” read more

Guest column: As grizzlies and elk adapt to change, so must hunters

Wolves are smart. They would never annihilate their primary food source. read more

Baucus presses for state control over wolves

Montana’s senior U.S. Senator Max Baucus yesterday called on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to move to allow all Montana ranchers to actively protect their livestock. read more

Where the wild things are: Alaska Part II

“About three years ago, I was lugging a pack full of blasting caps and baked beans along this brown-bear infested creek…” read more

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