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Posts Tagged: conservation

Differentiating Between Regulation and Hunting as Conservation Interventions

Protecting biodiversity requires that we correctly identify major threats and effective interventions to abate them (Salafsky & Margoluis 2003; Sutherland et al. 2004). If the scientific community wants the world to heed our warnings of ecosystem collapse (Ripple et al. … read more

Evaluating the Principles of Wildlife Conservation: a Case Study of Wolf (Canis lupus) Hunting in Michigan

Details surrounding any particular instance of predator control are varied. Addressing the appropriateness of predator control requires attention to those details. Here, we focus on the case of wolf (Canis lupus) hunting in Michigan. In Michigan, wolves were removed from … read more

Values, Trust, And Cultural Backlash In Conservation Governance: The Case Of Wildlife Management In The United States

The global rise of populism is having a profound effect on policies across many issues. We explore the potential effects on wildlife conservation using the western United States as a case study. Global populist trends have been explained through the … read more

Don’t Forget To Look Down – Collaborative Approaches To Predator Conservation

Finding effective ways of conserving large carnivores is widely recognized as a priority in conservation. However, there is disagreement about the most effective way to do this, with some favoring top-down ‘command and control’ approaches and others favoring collaboration. Arguments … read more

Emotions And The Ethics Of Consequence In Conservation Decisions: Lessons From Cecil The Lion

Though the conservation community has long premised its moral foundations on consequentialist thinking and has embraced a dualistic worldview severing reason from emotion, the conservation community has erred by failing to address—or even acknowledge—the limitations of these fundamental tenets. This … read more

Public Preferences For Species Conservation: Choosing Between Lethal Control, Habitat Protection And No Action

Despite increasing support for conservation efforts, humans exert strong negative forces on nature and disagree over the management of these effects. Conflicts over conservation policy may reflect evolving opinions about how people ought to conserve species and whether to intervene … read more

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