National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: conservation

Wolf Conservation Center: A Day of Wolves!

“Lobos and red wolves call the Wolf Conservation Center their home as part of a Species Survival Plan for critically endangered wolves.” read more

Mexican Gray Wolves : On the move at the Wolf Conservation Center

Hurricane Irene wreaked havoc up and down the east coast, and the Wolf Conservation Center in South Salem, NY certainly felt the affects. read more

Mexican Wolf News from the Wolf Conservation Center!

You can feel it in the air as you listen to Maggie Howell, talk about F837 and M805 Watch the video interview here! read more

Wolf Conservation Center Introduces Ambassador Wolf Pups!

“the two newest members of the Ambassador Wolf Program, Alawa and Zephyr, are just seven weeks old.” read more

Wolf Conservation Center Art Contest!

Contest open for those 18 and under! Enter today !!!! The Wolf Education Center in South Salem, NY is a leader in wolf education! read more

Wolfwatcher: Wolf Proposal by Conservation Groups

“Only time will tell if this is the right decision and I truly hope it is. If this passes we need to regroup and watch to make sure that wolves get every possible chance to survive.” read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition