National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: conservation

Public Preferences For Species Conservation: Choosing Between Lethal Control, Habitat Protection And No Action

Despite increasing support for conservation efforts, humans exert strong negative forces on nature and disagree over the management of these effects. Conflicts over conservation policy may reflect evolving opinions about how people ought to conserve species and whether to intervene … read more

Should Wolves be Delisted? Wolf Conservation Open Letter

The under‐signed scientists and scholars address some of the public policy questions surrounding wolf conservation under the Endangered Species Act read more

Wisconsin: Spring Conservation Congress Update

“Please consider attending and sharing the following as a Wolfwatcher supporter. We appreciate your willingness to speak out on behalf of wolves.” read more

Wisconsin Spring Conservation Congress Hearings/Public Comments

“You should familiarize yourself with the questionnaire. There are many questions that may interest you, not just the use of dogs to hunt wolves.” Nancy Warren, Great Lakes Regional Director

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Wolf Conservation Centers Need Your Help…

“The National Wolfwatcher Coalition supports the work of wolf conservation centers because their work is critical to the mission of educating us about wolves and..” read more

Polly Brewster visits the Wolf Conservation Center

“Thanks to Polly for visiting with us and talking WOLVES!” read more

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