National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: wolfwatcher

National Wolfwatcher Coalition: Wisconsin Press Release

“On August 7, 2012, the National Wolfwatcher Coalition filed a lawsuit, along with seven other plaintiffs, against the Wisconsin DNR and the Natural Resources Board seeking declaratory judgment and injunctive relief relating to the DNR’s recently approved rules establishing a Wolf Hunting Season in Wisconsin..” read more

Wolfwatcher Urges You to Support H.R.3432: Rural Economic Vitalization Act (REVA)

“Please endorse H.R. 3432 – the Rural Environmental Vitalization Act because the bill opens up a new opportunity for stakeholders to come together and utilize an innovative, free-market tool to resolve natural resource conflicts…” read more

Tara Morrison of Wolfwatcher Walks the Walk!

A message from Wolfwatcher’s Tara Morrison, Director of Land Preservation

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Meet Alyssa Grayson: Wolfwatcher Junior Adviser

“On May 21, 2012 Rhode Island’s Wakefield Hills Elementary School’s students were gifted with a special presentation from a former student and classmate, Alyssa Grayson.” read more

National Wolfwatcher Coalition Celebrates One Year!

“Our “pack” has grown at a rate that far exceeded the expectations of most, with supporters from all regions of the US and beyond, rolling up their sleeves ready to take on the necessary challenges required…” read more

The Movie: "The Grey". Wolfwatcher has an Insider's Look!

“After viewing the film and realizing it was far worse than could be imagined, our concerns and suggestions were then ignored. Our concerns are the negative message attached to wolves . while Open Road Films is all about the box office. The breakdown was inevitable.” read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition