National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: wolves

Take Action for the Two Wolf Pups, and for All Wolves!

“..we are reaching out to our supporters to join our voice in seeking justice of those Hamilton pups – true ambassadors for their wild brethren.” read more

Defenders of Wildlife:Take Action for Wolves Today!!

“And I know the important difference that comments from caring people like you can make in protecting the animals that you and I care about.” read more

Recovery and Protection for Gray Wolves in the Northeast!

The availability of wolf prey and habitat has been documented to support wolf recovery, as both are abundant in the Northeast. The only obstacle to the return of the wolf in the Northeast is leadership and a clear plan for its recovery.
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We the People…It is time to Unite, and Reunite, to Save Wolves!!!

“This is most trying times for wolf advocates like us, but more that that it is crunch time for wolves across this country.” read more

The War on Wolves continues, so does the Need to Take Action!

…”But what we can do is to continue to fight for wolves by contacting our Senators and urging them to defeat the following pending bills as it pertains to wolves and the environment.” read more

Wolves crossing the Canadian border into the northern Rockies

…It’s a question that could — depending on the answer — lead to more stringent protections for wolf packs in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, or more hunting of the iconic canines. read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition