National Wolfwatcher Coalition National Wolfwatcher Coalition
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Posts Tagged: wolves

Pack of Wolves reported in Northwest Montana

They felt threatened and say they shot at the wolves and then they left the site, according to FWP’s John Fraley. read more

National Parks: Wolves in Winter? Yo, Yellowstone!

“Every week is Wolf Week, in Yellowstone…” read more

Group of Lawmakers discusses ways to get Wolves Delisted

The commission includes six members from Idaho and four each from Montana and Wyoming. read more

Mexican Gray Wolves Due Place in N.M. Wilderness

By Maggie Howell
Managing Director, Wolf Conservation Center read more

DNR begins trapping wolves in Jackson County, Wisconsin

The wolves the DNR is attempting to trap come from the Bear Bluff pack,.. read more

Researchers: Hunting affects wolves more strongly than first expected

…wolf populations are likely to decline by a substantially larger margin than is currently stated by management policies,” Creel said. read more

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National Wolfwatcher Coalition